By Jenihar
United Kingdom
I have a Tea clipper rose with loads of buds on it. it is only a year old but the first flower of this year is so big and heavy it drags down the branch it is on. Any ideas other than using them for cut flowers.
5 Jun, 2010
David Austin roses are very often a bit weak in the canes until they mature. You might find in a couple more years when the bush is more established and older that it will suddenly start putting out stronger canes and your "nodding" blooms will perk up a bit. With DA roses it is certainly worth the wait.
5 Jun, 2010
Thanks, that answers why my other two David Austin's are a bit droopy. And they will be worth the wait, and buying more!
7 Jun, 2010
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The flowers on this are described in minute detail, but one of the things in the description is "nodding" flowers - which means the flowers droop, usually. Sorry, seems to be the variety you've chosen.
5 Jun, 2010