By Lynn08
Hi all, I put a dianthus cosmic swirl in the garden last year, it is supposed to have red and white streaked flowers. I have noticed that only the flowers on one side of the plant seem to be the correct colour, the other side is solid red. I am not sure what to do with it, I thought maybe I should investigate if there is more than one plant there and if it is just one of them that has the solid colour. Is it possible that it is just one single plant that is throwing out these different flowers similar to when a variegated shrub reverts to all green? If so, what should I do? Cut back the solid coloured portion?
26 May, 2014
That sounds like a good idea, it is still a pretty plant so I don't want to lose it but I just thought that I might be able to even it up a bit! Thanks for the reply.
27 May, 2014
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If you don't want the red then cut them out. I suspect it could be two plants growing together, but if you lift and try to split them now they may not replant well and then you will lose all the flowers.
so the choice is yours really. personally I'd cut the all red flowers off and pop them in a vase indoors.
26 May, 2014