By Plmalle30
United Kingdom
I have a twisted hazel, but new branches are all straight. s this normal? Do i cut them off? Should I be doing something that I am not?
27 May, 2014
We have a Corkscrew hazel and I remove straight branches from it every year...
27 May, 2014
Thank you both for your speedy replies which I found to be most helpful.
28 May, 2014
You could try propagating the straight shoots as hazel makes good plant supports in place of dried out bamboo.
28 May, 2014
Um… Urbanite I'm sure you didn't mean to describe Bamboo as dried out :)
28 May, 2014
;-))) - actually, it ain't that far from the truth these days, MG...
28 May, 2014
Moon grower gets funnier.
28 May, 2014
lol Bamboo!
28 May, 2014
Previous question
« Can you ID seedlings please? Coming up among the ajuga, don't remember sowing...
They're reverted shoots, it does happen. Trace them back to their point of origin and cut them off there.
27 May, 2014