By Angelacragg
I just came across a 5 inch hole in my backyard that appears to go into a tunnel a foot or so down. What kind of animal might have dug that and what do I do with it now? We live in Sidney BC
27 May, 2014
I'd go rabbits too. what other native burrowers do you have? seem a bit big for rats and too small for wombats. Sidney BC that's not Australia is it? so ignore wombats :o)
27 May, 2014
I now have visions of wombats digging so far that they've come up on the "other side" - just like the joke that if we dig deep enough in the Uk we'll end up "down under"
27 May, 2014
Sbg - BC is British Comumbia, so it's Canada. Perhaps the wombats are on holiday :-)
27 May, 2014
I thought it meant before children ! it does in our house anyway :o)
28 May, 2014
28 May, 2014
Sounds like rabbits, but if you live near water they could be water voles.
27 May, 2014