By Robinsegg
United Kingdom
Re. my Acer Palmatum Garnet is looking good in its large pot, however, I thought it seemed to be turning a brilliant red like it does in Autumn - and it's only Spring! On taking a closer look, I realised that the bright red parts were small sycamore-shaped seeds? I've never seen this before. Can anyone tell me if they are seeds or what they are please?
29 May, 2014
result its obviously doing very well .
29 May, 2014
Thanks Derekm and Noseypotter! It's an odd one, as I'm always checking it (its been in its pot for 9 years now) and there has never been any flowers, fruits or seed until now. Yet to produce seeds, it must have had flowers. I must get my eyesight checked!
I wonder if I could try growing some of the seeds?
30 May, 2014
ofcourse you can . just chill them off till next year I do believe or put them out in the cold coverd so mice etc don't get them . my 2 red acers are lovley but not seeded yet . all flowers arnt realy lowd as my acer verigated tree has seeded and I didn't see any flowers . just google image your plants flowers and youl know what to look for and when .
30 May, 2014
Many thanks Noseypotter - I'll try your suggestions.
30 May, 2014
your welcome rob .
30 May, 2014
your welcome rob .
30 May, 2014
Hi, this variety gets small purplish flowers, followed by winged, red, fruits or seed, so yes they are seeds, Derek.
29 May, 2014