By Anns
United Kingdom
My Mother died recently and as her name was Tilly I have been trying to find a plant of the same name. I know of a balloon flower but cannot seem to find a UK stockist. Can anybody help please?
1 Jun, 2014
Hi, if you google Platycodon grandiflorus ' miss tilly', there are several suppliers listed, Derek.
1 Jun, 2014
The Tilley plant aka Air Plant aka Tillansdia can be found in garden shops almost anywhere in the USA. It is considered a novelty plant in that it can grow in almost any container and requires no substrate to grow in. The "Miss Tilly Ballon Flower",Platycodon grandiflorus is what you have been looking for. My condolences to you. My mother loved gardenias and when she passed away two years ago,a friend of hers presented me with a potted gardenia tree which I happend to set down just the right place in my garden the first time and it flowered magnificently. It could not survive my growing zone but I have photos of it as a reminder of my mother. I hope that you can find either or both of these plants in the UK.
1 Jun, 2014