By Welshpete
United Kingdom
our mature privet hedge stands circa 2 meters high. Not much growth from the base in fact quite thin. If we were to reduce said hedge by 750mm to a metre,
a) would it kill it?
b) might it encourage denser growth at its base?
On plant
privet hedge
1 Jun, 2014
Hi, question A, no. B yes more than likely, Derek.
1 Jun, 2014
Killing it would be more difficult! If you are reducing the width as well as the height, which will be more likely to get it to bush out lower down, its often a good idea to do the top and one side the first year and the other side the next.
1 Jun, 2014
Previous question
nope it will be fine,hegdes should be pruned when you want to shape it and that causes no problem to the plant.
1 Jun, 2014