By Haian
Cornwall, United Kingdom
Hi, I have a Pieris Japonica 'Mountain Fire' in my garden, and it has just finished flowering, and looked lovely during this time, but now I have noticed the leaves are looking very limp, and the plant looks very lifeless, is this normal? I only purchased the plant last autumn, so I don't know what happens to it after it has flowered. I will be grateful for any advise.
Thanks Ian.
- 2 Jun, 2014
My answer is slightly different, I'm afraid - P. japonica varieties like a fair bit of sun, whereas other varieties (such as P. forrestii) are woodland plants and don't appreciate much other than dappled sunlight. If your Pieris has only recently been planted then it might be lack of water at the roots, but otherwise, yes, most plants look a bit tired after flowering. This one benefits with deadheading of the flowers, and if you think its too dry, give it a good soak, although if its a plant you've had for a couple of years or more, it's unlikely to be a water issue. It should start to put out new growth within the next 2-4 weeks, when it will look a bit more bouncy again - unless your soil is too alkaline for the plant, of course.
2 Jun, 2014
Thanks both of you for your comments, it was planted last autumn, and I recently feed it with Bower's ericaceous liquid plant food, I hope this is the right thing to do, it should not be short of water, but I will try giving it some more, can they be overwatered ? I really don't want to loose it. Thanks again for your help, as you can imagine I am quiet new to gardening but I am really getting into it , and really enjoying it.
3 Jun, 2014
Doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong and our Pieris japonica looked pretty tired and droopy after flowering, I must say. I deadheaded and left it alone, and its just now starting to put out new leaves.
3 Jun, 2014
Thanks for that Bamboo, I will let you know how it develops. Could you tell me anything about Begonia's, I have recently brought some plants and they appear to be healthy, but at the same time do not appear to be growing much, I am wondering if I should be feeding them something, I am giving them Miracle Grow at the moment.
Thanks Ian.
4 Jun, 2014
Bit more info required, Haian - do you know whether they're fibrous rooted bedding begonias, the short ones, or tuberous rooted ones, bigger and usually grown in pots and tubs? Where are they planted, ground or pots, sun or shade, and how long have they been planted if in the ground?
4 Jun, 2014
Hi, they are tuberous one's, and they are in tubs, and some are in the sun, and some are in part shade, and they have been planted about a month now, and they all appear to be growing at the same rate.
9 Jun, 2014
Begonias tolerate shade very well, and generally, Miracle Gro is fine to feed them with, though you haven't said which formulation you're using. Maybe they were started into growth a bit late in the year, they'll get going properly soon.
One other thing - don't feed your Pieris any more this year.
10 Jun, 2014
Ok, thanks a lot for that, they have now started growing well, thanks again.
2 Jul, 2014
It's a woodlander, so needs protection from the hottest sun. The new growths are very tender, and may well droop when the plant gets a bit dry then recover overnight. Give it a good soaking and see how it fares. HC
2 Jun, 2014