By Monkey1962
N/E Lincolnshire ,
United Kingdom
hi all i got a couple of miniature roses about 3 years old and they are getting huge, is this normal or do they eventually become like normal roses, they a 5 times the size of when i first got them, one is about 4ft tall, thanks again for the advise
3 Jun, 2014
Do you know the names of the roses? 1-3 feet high is the average, but some can get to 7 feet.
4 Jun, 2014
im sorry im not acquainted with there names, its a garden i inherited from my late mother, and a lot of the items were all ready there. thanks for the info, they seem to have had a growth spurt in the last year, gone from lovely little bushes to these monster bushes, it just seemed weird to me, but if it quite normal i will perceiver with them and keep feeding and watering them. thanks again always good advice
5 Jun, 2014
Teh best time to prune them is early spring, depending on which part of the country you are. What you want to avoid is encouraging new growth when there are still hard frosts around. I do mine in March, You can cut them hard back and don't be afraid to do it. If they are left without pruning they will go all straggly in time.
The best thing is to wait until late Feb-early March and ask another question about pruning on here where there will be lots of people ready to help you, or to Google "pruning miniature roses" where you'll find some helpful advice with videos.
6 Jun, 2014
what a superb web site, answers to all my questions straight away, cant fault, im keen and getting more confident by the day, all help by your superb advice
thanks so much
7 Jun, 2014
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« Why are my gooseberries getting mildew on them, they are only half grown.
well you may of got the vigorous climbing roses,you can trim them back but only when they are dormant so winter months.
4 Jun, 2014