By Spritzhenry
West Somerset, England
My friend has a small Japanese Umbrella Pine in her garden, and recently it has developed brown needles. We're hoping someone might be able to help with a diagnosis and advice. There are no aphids or other nasties to be seen on it.
Thanks in advance.
- 5 Jun, 2014
Just noticed you live in Somerset - did you not have terrible amounts of rain this year?
11 Jun, 2014
Yes, we sure did! Thanks for that thought, which could well be the cause, sadly. I've sent a sample off to the RHS, in the hope that they might be able to diagnose the problem. I know my friend has already fed the tree, but how she can improve the drainage is a difficult one...
12 Jun, 2014
I would dig it up add lots of grit/perlite for drainage then bonemeal for root feed and growth.
12 Jun, 2014
What is the root ball like on it? After 12 years, I think it might be too much for her to dig up - she's elderly.
13 Jun, 2014
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Looks like poor drainage to me. I would improve drainage and add some bone meal around the base as a general purpose feed.
11 Jun, 2014