By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Hi folks I'm going to buy a fruit tree its potted can I put it in ground now ..thank you
5 Jun, 2014
Bare-rooted fruit trees are normally planted late autumn to early winter as this is when the tree is in its dormant stage.
If it's in a pot as yours is, then you can get away with planting it out at any time, but November to March is still the preferred time to plant them in the ground.
If it was me, considering it's already in a pot I would plant it out now. Dig a large hole and plant the tree in the ground to the same height as it was in the pot making sure that the graft is above the soil. Fill it in with soil and tread it down to compact the soil. Water it well, but don't feed it until next spring as you need to encourage the tree roots to grow outwards, not stay within an artificially nutrient-rich area within the hole.
Next apply a mulch to the surface around the tree to keep moisture to the soil. If you do all this your fruit tree should get off to a good start and will grow well.
5 Jun, 2014
you can tease a few roots out if they are goin g round the pot too .
6 Jun, 2014
If you are planting just one have you checked that it won't need a pollinator? Unless its self fertile there would be little fruit.
6 Jun, 2014
Yes just make sure you keep it well watered. Personally I'd wait until autumn to plant.
5 Jun, 2014