United Kingdom
Alien invasion - save me!
Thousands, probably millions, even billions of tiny little red spiders have surrounded my house and are climbing onto windowsills, up the walls, on the patio slabs. I've tried ant killer, bug killers, Jayes fluid but nothing seems to stop them for more than an hour or two and then more come along. Anyone any ideas, all welcome. Thanks
8 Jun, 2014
Well,I would really like to open windows, but I don't fancy the invasion coming into the house. The spiders are so tiny that I wouldn't see them very well. They do bite, though, I think - or maybe I just feel itchy looking at them scurrying about!
8 Jun, 2014
They are either adult chigger mites (only the larval form bite) which move around very fast or the slower moving clover mites. They like to congregate on cement patio slabs and or around house foundations. Both adult forms do not bite humans and are harmless to anything in your home so you just might have the hebe jebes from the sight of them. Try clearing all vegetation away from the foundation of your home, a 24 inch cleared perimeter should do it. They also like to collect on the sunny sides of houses. Also, refrain from fertilizing your lawn or garden if they are in close proximity to your home for the rest of the growing season. This is mainly a problem of springtime it should be over in several more weeks. Good luck!
9 Jun, 2014
they could also be spiderlings from spider cocoons. its the right time of year for them to be active.
9 Jun, 2014
they wont hurt you don't worry about them .
9 Jun, 2014
We don't have chiggers in the UK, do we? Anyone know for sure - I dread to think we do, it'd be another alien invader...
9 Jun, 2014
The UK equivalent is the Trombicula automnalis mite. It probably has a common name in the UK but it is unknown to me. Aside from that, what Annlivingstone is describing is a harmless though annoying mite migration into her home. Perhaps just coping with it until its over would be the best way to go.
9 Jun, 2014
I used to see those tiny red spider looking things all over a Sunny wall near my Nan's.
They were the size of a pinprick and didn't bite.
9 Jun, 2014
yea, I've seen those too, Alex, they're a bit like red spider mite, maybe that's what they are...
Loosestrife - I'm much relieved by what you've said;-))
9 Jun, 2014
I'm not. Now I'm itching all over! Anybody have one of those wooden monkeys paw back scratchers handy?
9 Jun, 2014
Ha ha! - what you need is a soft plastic hairbrush, well, that's what I use my old one for, perfect backscratcher
9 Jun, 2014
Previous question
use a pressure washer. the spiders won't do any harm to you or your garden but if you don't want them then just wash away.
8 Jun, 2014