please can you help me identify this plant
By Pixiemic
Hello, i recently went on holiday to the south of protugal where i found this fantastic plant.i am very keen to get my own, however, it seemed to grow every where as a native plant rather than a special and therefore labelled species. Because of this, i cannot seemt o track it down and would be most grateful for your assistance. I apologise as my image is warped, the camera i took the picture with was a fish eye lens! I have other views of the plant should you require

29 Oct, 2007
I would say darryluk's ID is correct. You may wish to read the detailed article posted at: titled "Stunning gardens without water - Part one: Aloe Aloe" . . . which gives you some history on the plant.
7 Nov, 2007
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« I recently bought a fuchia called "Our Ted" but there was no information...
Looks like Aloe Vera to me.
29 Oct, 2007