By Lovegardens
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all
Could someone please tell me whether to plant spearmint in a pot with compost,soil or a mix thanks
9 Jun, 2014
Soil or compost, but generally compost has more nutrients. Sadly when i first planted mine I didn't know that they should be in a pot and well now when i cut the grass it smells very minty...
9 Jun, 2014
I made thew mistake of planting mint in the garden and it springs up everywhere. I am forever pulling it up.
Sometimes when I am pulling it up, it is like following a wire along the garden with the roots.
Definitely pot it up.
9 Jun, 2014
Soil on its own tends to go hard and compact in pots so either the mix or pure compost would be OK, its not fussy.
9 Jun, 2014
Thank you to noseypotter,catty4667,alextb,steragram for your answers
9 Jun, 2014
your welcome .
9 Jun, 2014
well yes definatly unless you wantit every wear . you can bury the pot if you want to hide it and have other herbs near it close to your kitchen .
9 Jun, 2014