By Suesmith
United Kingdom
I have 2 standard photinias (red robins) earlier in the year they began to loose their leaves I put this down to the amount of rain earlier in the year, they have put on some new growth but they do not look very healthy is there anything I can do to help them. Thankyou
11 Jun, 2014
Feed them something high in phosphorus, like Superphosphate, to help them toughen up the growth they've made.
If you normally trim them to a shape, do it in early July but perhaps a bit lighter than normal.
If they're growing in pots they would be a lot more vulnerable to all sorts of stressors like watering and insects, and even in the ground they don't seem to like being in a windy spot.
The good news is they'll probably be fine!
11 Jun, 2014