By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Hi iv asked before but can I just check I'm repotting my forest lily its been in quite small pot for years its bloomed for second time this year lovely pink blooms but it looks sad the leaves are a bit shriveld looking I don't no why so I'm repotting it in compost is this OK please ...
11 Jun, 2014
If you mean the Winter Red Hot Poker (Veltheimia), the leaves die back in summer so it would be best to leave repotting until the plant is in its dormant state.
As with a lot of plants they don't like to be disturbed - it doesn't sound as if it is pot-bound but it might need better drainage. It's a South African plant that needs sandy soil so mix a lot of grit into the compost (I'd go for equal parts grit to compost)
11 Jun, 2014
Hi thank you for your answers ..the blooms on the cacti are bright pink and with pointy petals ..I'd put PIC on but I don't no how the leaves don't usually look so sad they look more fuller if you no what I mean lol
12 Jun, 2014
OK - you need to be clear as to what this plant actually is before anyone can advise you. A photo might help someone to recognise it.
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12 Jun, 2014
Hi I can't download PIC it won't do it ...if repotted it and so far it still blooming :-)
14 Jun, 2014
Try reducing the size of the picture to get a quicker upload.
14 Jun, 2014
Forest lily is the common name for several plants, so not sure which one you're asking about. I'm going to assume its Pieris though - if its not, this answer doesn't apply.
If it is Pieris, it will certainly want a bigger pot by now - use ericaceous compost, and yes, do it now.
11 Jun, 2014