Passion flower
By S92260
United Kingdom
I have had a Passion flower for the last two years, it grows very well, with lush foilage, however no flowers, does anyone know why, and how to get it to flower please!
18 Jul, 2008
Are you pruning at all? How shaded is it? How warm is it? All of these can affect floweing. It needs a warm wall in deprived soil in full sun to flower at its best. Pruning should be done in late spring. It can be cut pretty hard back to keep it green at the base.
19 Jul, 2008
im getting a cutting tomorrow so will be popping on here for any advice
19 Jul, 2008
Don't mum had one for 2 or three years before it flowered, mine flowered form quite small, but mine was from a car boot sale, so probably a cutting from an established one, if that makes a difference? Hers now flowers, though not as freely as mine.
18 Jul, 2008