By Dian89
United Kingdom
Hi, whats the best way to store Grape Hyacinth bulbs ready for next year. Many thanks.
12 Jun, 2014
depends on the species. My hubby would say in the bin!
no lead to lift them. I find the foliage appears late autumn where I am. As bloomer says they are prolific self seeders too.
12 Jun, 2014
Wouldn't consider lifting and storing, just leave them where they are and dig out if they get too prolific.
12 Jun, 2014
If you have to lift them (as I had to last year), I crammed handfulls into a few pots of ordinary compost, and planted them again in October. They were fine.
12 Jun, 2014
I left mine in a trough out of harms way for several years but have now put them out to naturalise in a wild bank (in the garden, before anybody tells me off!)As te others say, there's no need to do anything to them at all but keep them in check.
13 Jun, 2014
You don't need to store them,Dian89,they are totally hardy,and will seed themselves all over the place in no time..too much sometimes,and not where you always want them..They just die back naturally..If you see very narrow grass like foliage appearing,next spring..that will be them...
12 Jun, 2014