By Chips1936
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hi There
I have 2 large water Butts which I water our Borders with, as we have a lot of Moss on our Roof, I was considering having some "Copper Wire" put along the Apex to kill it off, Would this harm the plants when I water them, I look forward to your replies.
From Chips1936
7 Jun, 2010
Hi there Bamboo.
Thanks for your reply, I had'nt thought of water through "Copper Pipes", anyway maybe I'll try a test with a bit of wire in some water, and see what effect it has, thanks once again and happy gardening. "Chips"
11 Jun, 2010
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First, let me just ask, is it actually moss on the roof, or lichen? If its lichen, its harmless anyway and is a sign of clean air. As for copper in the waterbutts, not too sure how much would be present (any more than from tapwater supplied through copper pipes?), but I'd have thought not enough to cause harm, particularly if you're talking about non food plants.
10 Jun, 2010