Narrow, parallel leaves with stalks of purple flowers
By David2462
What plant starts as separate loose clumps that search around for support to grow upward, has rows of delicate parallel rounded narrow leaves, has small tendrils that curl, and stalks of pretty purple flowers? (Differences from common vetch: leaves are longer, thinner, and more nearly parallel; flowers are on separate stalks.)
13 Jun, 2014
Vetches also comes to mind.
13 Jun, 2014
Sorry to answer my own question, and sorry I didn't have a camera handy, but searching the Web indicates it's probably Vicia cracca: tufted vetch, cow vetch, bird vetch, boreal vetch. Just a volunteer; so delicate and pretty, with long stems for flower stalks and leaf stems.
13 Jun, 2014
that's fine we both said a vetch :o) glad you have it sorted.
13 Jun, 2014
They do seed everywhere though so be careful about introducing it to a formal garden environment.
13 Jun, 2014
Image would be useful, but it could be one of the Vetches.
13 Jun, 2014