By Monkey1962
N/E Lincolnshire ,
United Kingdom
Blue moon roses
hi all, i planted a blue moon rose at the end of feb and its just come in to bloom, and looks lovely but the flowers are a subtle red and not the usual lilac/blue as they should be, can anyone shed any light on why this is please. all replies are graciously appreciated
On plant
Blue moon rose
17 Jun, 2014
It might have been mis-labelled! Have you still got the receipt? A word with the GC or Nursery might be a good idea. Take a flower with you, or a photo.
18 Jun, 2014
This happened to me twice, I even got sent replacements and was looking forward to a lovely blue display, but alas all white again.
18 Jun, 2014
It needs slightly acidic conditions - use spent tea bags, coffee grinds or camellia feed. Far more likely that the label was mixed up if you bought it in a garden centre. Personally I'd only buy a rose if it was actually in bloom (same goes for camellias)
18 Jun, 2014
thanks all, i have emailed the place where i got them from, to see what they have to say, urbanite im interested in the tea bag thing, because im a right tea belly and wondered what could be done with them, please expand
18 Jun, 2014
Used tea leaves just add a short-term mild acid boost. Lots of ways of doing the same - particularly for pot plants such as adding a glug of white vinegar to the watering can.
Do you make tea in a pot - instead of pouring the dregs down the plug hole, pour it around your rose(s)!
If you want to grow one acid-loving plant in a pot and don't want to get a sack of ericaceous compost, you can make your own by adding some spent coffee grounds to ordinary compost (apparently Starbucks** will oblige - I get mine from my work coffee shop)
** other coffee shops are available
19 Jun, 2014
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It could be the ph levels in the soil. They do affect the coloration of roses to some degree.
18 Jun, 2014