By Majorarchie
United Kingdom
Hi, I gave a magnolia susan to my mother for mothers day. Not only has it not flowered it also has no leaves. it came from a very good garden centre, any ideas?
7 Jun, 2010
It had tiny buds on, yes planted it outside the next day. And it has'nt changed since then. She does lives near the sea, would this affect it?
Thanks for your help
7 Jun, 2010
Being near the sea shouldn't affect it, no - are the buds still present, or have they gone brown and dropped off? Are you sure the plant's still alive, and has it been kept watered sufficiently? Also, when you bought it, was it outside in the open, or under shelter or inside?
7 Jun, 2010
No the buds are still there, it doesnt look dead, mums been looking after it. Its was outside when i bought it, its a puzzle?
8 Jun, 2010
Well if you're sure it's not dead, patience, I'm afraid - the weather is rather odd this year, one minute roasting, the next positively chilly, it probably doesn't know whether it's coming or going...
8 Jun, 2010
Previous question
What condition was it in when you bought it? Did it have buds for flowers on it? Where did your mother keep it after you'd given it to her - did she plant it outside? This particular one is a deciduous plant, and the flowers appear before the leaves in spring, so perhaps when you bought it, it wasn't showing any growth. If it hasn't grown at all since buying it (no leaves or signs of life) I'd return it to the garden centre you got it from.
7 Jun, 2010