By Davebuchan
United Kingdom
hi folks I have just been given 2 pots of upright geraniums they have outgrown the pots to the extent that they are not taking on water the compost is soaking and full of the wet stuff when and how do I split them into small clumps to plant in the ground I have been told they are perennial?
19 Jun, 2014
Double check the bases of the stems and make sure that they aren't turning black and mushy. A failure of drainage, like you are describing often leads to root rot.
19 Jun, 2014
Previous question
Difficult to understand what you mean by not taking on water if the compost is very wet??
I would not try splitting them at the moment. Better to plant them as they are and let them get established. Then when you have a good sized clump you can split them in early autumn.I would even leave splitting them until next year unless the clumps are really big.
19 Jun, 2014