By Jamescap
United States
I have recently planted a white delphinium and the first flower spike is fine but the second most recent spike has black inside each individual flower. There is no other observable damage either on leaf, stem or crown what could be the problem.
19 Jun, 2014
I agree.It is the norm for that variety..I had one,but sadly,the slugs and snails got to it first this other white one,,which is in full flower now,doesn't have the 'bees '..As suggested above,maybe there were two in the pot you bought..
19 Jun, 2014
Some Delphiniums have a knot of tiny petals in the center of the flower, called a "bee". The bees are often differently colored from the rest of the flower, frequently dark blue to near-black. It may be that the Delphinium that you bought actually had two (or more) plants in the same container, one without bees, and one with.
19 Jun, 2014