By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
Plant recommendation please! I would like to obscure a view from my patio doors and need something that is evergreen, would grow in a pot, and reach maybe 8ft high. Is there such a plant/tree/shrub? The place it will be situated gets some morning sun and is quite sheltered. Many thanks!
20 Jun, 2014
Or even a bamboo - my Phyllostachis aurea looks wonderful all year. That would grow in a (large) pot.
21 Jun, 2014
Agree with Spritzhenry - I came on to suggest Phyllostachys nigra, but which you choose is down to you.
21 Jun, 2014
Thank you all - I had thought of bamboo but wasn't sure. I'll check out all of your suggestions, thank you!
21 Jun, 2014
You'll need a big pot for bamboo - preferably a minimum of 18 inches deep and 12/16 inches wide. A larger pot also helps prevent it getting blown over, so long as its not dried out.
21 Jun, 2014
Previous question
It would need a big tub but fatsia japonica could fit the bill otherwise I'd look at grisellinia littoralis, eleagnus ebingii or Prunus laurocarocis ...but all would need hefty ol' tubs
20 Jun, 2014