By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Hello folks ..I have two questions pls ...first my rose I said before to you is still in pot it growing lovely ..can I now put in ground or will it kill it ..and my lawn grass is awful there lots brown dead patches everywhere it looks terrible ...I have two dogs that wee there as well is that the cause ...thank you
22 Jun, 2014
Again thank you bamboo good advise yes they are girls I haven't a hose so will a watering can do ?? My rose happy in pot if I do put in garden and water a lot will it live ..x
22 Jun, 2014
Yes, it will live in the ground, the rose I mean, but if you haven't a hose, I would definitely wait till autumn to plant it.
Couple of cans of water on the lawn when its been used might help, but even hosing off isn't a perfect solution. You could try creating an area where the dogs are allowed to wee, and prevent them from using anywhere else.
22 Jun, 2014
There's a thing, Dog Rocks I think it's called, which you put in their water dish to stop the problem (the dogs, not the rose).
I would check first with the vet that it's not a gimmick or harmful though.
22 Jun, 2014
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First your lawn - if your dogs are bitches, yes, that will cause brown patches in your lawn. If you allow them to pee there, the only way to obviate this is to immediately hose down the patch they've just made to dilute the urine. Male dogs usually cock their legs and burn your plants instead.
As its now almost July, it would be better to wait till autumn to plant your rose, then its got less chance of drying out at the roots and dying, but you can plant it now, provided you're prepared to keep it well watered.
22 Jun, 2014