By Beattie
United Kingdom
Can you give me any idea how long it will take my paeonies to flower? I planted bare roots in 2008 and 2009 and again this year. They are all producing some leaves and I knew it would take time, but....
I think I planted "Sarah Bernhart" and "Karl Rosenfeld"
8 Jun, 2010
I have a Sarah Bernhart that flowers profusely and has done since its first year (it's even flowered after being moved, which they really don't like). I suggest you use a good amount of blood, fish & bone after flowering (or in your case, now - after they would have flowered). Use at least 4-5 handfuls around the plant.
Other than that I'm afraid I can't help.
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks for that - I'll feed them all. It looks like the rain is coming to water it in.
8 Jun, 2010
Well I added some blood, fish and bone around each plant, but I didn't use as much as you recommended Dioritt, as I think that amount would have buried them! :-) But they got some - I hope they're grateful!
8 Jun, 2010
They do like a lot, but of course how much depends on the size of your plant. Mine's a whopper. Lol. Good luck with it :)
9 Jun, 2010
I have a peony I put in 3 yrs now and still has not flowered, yet my other two are flowering in abundance. I might take it out if it does not flower next year and replace.
11 Aug, 2010
I'm so glad it's not just me. I look at the pathetic amount of foliage my paeonies produce - and not a sniff of a flower bud. I plant a couple more every year - must be nuts!
11 Aug, 2010
Text book answer is, they are not expected to flower the first spring after planting, but "should" flower the following years. In my own experience I find 2-3 years before a bloom but i'm in South Yorkshire. The only other reason they may not flower is that they are planted too deeply, sorry no experience of the varieties you mention.
8 Jun, 2010