By Tandy
United Kingdom
Hi there
I am interviewing a Michelin-starred chef on his veg garden for a school project. What sort of things should I ask? There will be gardeners there too. I want to ask intelligent questions but I'm worried that my lack of gardening knowledge will show me up.
Thanks, Tandy
23 Jun, 2014
Loosestrife these qustions are awesome, thank you. That was so nice of you, Tandy
23 Jun, 2014
You're welcome!
23 Jun, 2014
What types of vegetables does he prefer to grow in his garden and why?
What vegetables doe he find the most difficult to grow in his garden?
What vegetable pests and diseases has he encounter most frequently in the garden and how have they been controlled?
What are his favorite methods of weed control in the garden?
How does he prepare his garden soil prior to planting?
What is done with the garden after the growing season?
What type of irrigation method does he prefer to use in his vegetable garden.
What are his views on the use of insecticides and herbicides in vegetable gardens and doe he use any methods of biological control?
When does he start planting in the garden?
What vegetables does he start in a greenhouse prior to outdoor planting?
How did he become interested in growing his own vegetable garden?
Is there a connection between the types of vegetables in his garden and the types of meals he likes to prepare.
What are his most favorite vegetables and herbs that he grows that are used the most frequently in his cooking?
What is the basic layout of his vegetable garden what areas of the garden does he place the different plants and why does he prefer the arrangement that he has chosen?
Does he do his own composting and if so what method is used and what is placed into it?
What is the most unusual occurence that has happened in the garden?
I have used a male gender in my questions though the chef might be female make adjustments as necessary.
23 Jun, 2014