By Judylb
Channel Islands ,
When to plant these seeds ? Hello everyone, I have just ordered some kangaroo apple ( solanum aviculare ) seeds from Spain and also received from them some Mimosa seeds. My question is, should I wait until the spring next year to plant them ( indoors ) in the hope the natural trigger will help them sprout or, should I give it a go indoors now ??
24 Jun, 2014
I'm nervous to wildlife balcony as I only have 8 seeds of each and don't want to waste them if it's not a great time to try. Thank you for your answer.
24 Jun, 2014
I fancy the temperature is very important, for the mimosa anyway.
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might help you.
24 Jun, 2014
Thank you very much Steragram, that was a interesting read.
25 Jun, 2014
Hi, the Mimosa will nee to be germinated at 64 to 75 deg f in spring, the Solanum at 64 to 68 deg f, so if you only have a few seeds of each, you could put them in the same seed tray in a propagator, half the tray for each type, but don't forget to use 2 labels, forgot to say, the solanum should also be germinated in spring, Derek.
25 Jun, 2014
Hello Derek, thank you for that. To be honest I would think I'd have to wait for the spring trigger for seeds but wasn't 100% sure and didn't want to wait if I could chance it now. I do only have a few seeds of each, so don't want to waste them. Thanking you again. Judy
26 Jun, 2014
give it a go now,since your not planting them outdoors
24 Jun, 2014