By Paulr999
United Kingdom
Improve the soil with what ?
I am going to remove the small postage stamp of grass (to call it a lawn would be an overstatement) at the front of my house and intend to replace it with a variety of plants.
The soil can be fairly heavy so I will add a bit of sand as I turn it over. Will any sand do ? and what should I add to enrich/feed the soil a bit as well ?
Thanks in advance
8 Jun, 2010
I would suggest using 'soil conditioner/improver' from a garden center. It is a mix of composted bark and composted vegetable waste. It is not expensive and will add much needed humus to your soil. I would not use sand at all, in this case.
8 Jun, 2010
I wouldn't use sand either, just horticultural grit and any composted materials available.
8 Jun, 2010
I wouldn't either, but Paul did mention it, so I answered! :-((
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks Guys,
Seems like the advice about using sand to 'lighten' heavy soil was wrong then. I will look out for soil conditioner though must confess I dont think Ive ever seen it...but then I wasnt looking for it !!
9 Jun, 2010
If you can't find that specifically, garden centres also sell composted horse manure and soil conditioning compost (not sure it's the same thing Bulbaholic mentioned or not).
9 Jun, 2010
Probably is, Bamboo. I buy own brand from B&Q (they call it 'Soil Improver') but know that similar stuff is generally available.
9 Jun, 2010
Thanks guys - I will drop in at B&Q and pick some up - your advice is much appreciated
9 Jun, 2010
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Don't use builders' sand - it may be tainted with salt. Sharp sand is best and I'd dig in plenty of home-made compost and if possible, some well-rotted manure. This will not only feed the soil, but improve it ready for your new planting. Horticultural grit is also good if the soil underneath is clay.
Good luck! If you have space somewhere, stack the grass in a pile as it will eventually become usable in the garden as soil.
8 Jun, 2010