By Red_maple
United Kingdom
Hi GOY friends: I need some advice re. taking cuttings off my SOLENUM.
It is now 20ft+ and growing really well in a less than perfect spot. I have included photos, but as a novice gardener was wondering if it will be possible to take a cutting and grow elsewhere? Can you tell me:
1. Is this possible?
2. How/where to make the cut?
3. Best time of year?
4. Any rooting compound or special equipment required?
It's a lovely plant and seems to do well in my soil, so would like to replicate it!
Any advice would be much appreciated.

27 Jun, 2014
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« Pruning Clematis. I have three clematis (can't remember the names) that have...
Hi, you can take semi ripe cuttings from now to early autumn,
take a piece of stem about 4 inches long, cut just below a leaf joint, take off the lower leaves, leaving a couple at the top, you can now either use hormone rooting powder or not, it's your choice, I don't usually bother, then insert the cutting/s around the edge of preferably a clay pot,water the pot, and place into a propagator, preferably 1 with a thermostat, to give gentle bottom heat, or if you prefer you can sow seed in spring, again in a propagator at 64 to 68 deg f, Derek.
27 Jun, 2014