The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Lmt2014

United Kingdom

We have recently moved into a new house where there is a raised bed built in the garden. It was deliberately put in a shaded patch with a fence on one side, a greenhouse on another, a shed on another and a covered trellis on the last. The previous owners also deliberately planted a blossoming sapling near the bed for further shade. What could I possibly use the raised bed for?! Thanks in advance for any help.



Take a look at the RHS advice, copy and paste the link below, there are plants that like deep shade but they are, generally, not very floriferous.

29 Jun, 2014


Thank you for your reply. The previous owners built the raised bed as a vegetable patch so I wondered what vegetables I could grow in a shaded patch?

30 Jun, 2014


put simply none, at least they wouldn't have done well vegetables need sunlight to grow properly.

30 Jun, 2014

How do I say thanks?

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