By Plachciaka
United Kingdom
When the pruning of Aronia, Goji, Goosberry and Currants bushes and olive and plum trees should be done? I would be grateful for your answers.
3 Jul, 2014
Thank you very much Steragram.
3 Jul, 2014
Aronia is done after flowering, to encourage new shoots. Actually they flower on both old and new so only pruned for size etc.
4 Jul, 2014
Previous question
Plums in summer, redcurrants in winter -they fruit on old wood(any time after fruiting seems to work though), black currants as soon as the fruit is picked(fruit on previous years wood so take out any wood more than a few years old right to the base to encourage new shoots), gooseberries you can tip prune now if you like but the main pruning can be done in February when you add the potash, taking new shoots back by at least a third and the spurs back to about five buds.Remove all crossing branches to leave an open shape. Don't know about the others.
3 Jul, 2014