By Gipcars
United Kingdom
What is wrong with using pig manure?
3 Jul, 2014
lol you could always get some oinkment lol
4 Jul, 2014
:o) ..
4 Jul, 2014
Depends on which country you're in - there are still some parts of the world where animal hygiene is less than perfect (or where there are populations of wild/feral pigs) and pigs are part of the tapeworm life-cycle so there could be a risk of contamination.
Unlikely to be a problem in the UK. There might be a question over the benefits of pig manure - if it was any good then someone would have started marketing it.
4 Jul, 2014
I know pigs are actually clean animals but they do have a certain odour..., also they are omnivores
4 Jul, 2014
I get dry chicken manure from roys for about a £5 and its a big tub and dried so safe .
4 Jul, 2014
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As long as it is composted properly there is nothing wrong with it. Some people think that there are pathogens in pig manure communicable to humans but I think that is a lot of hogwash.
3 Jul, 2014