By Natnat
Been looking at your ideas around screening the garden as we have neighbors over looking our garden and i was wondering are there any restrictions on the height or location of the screening?
4 Jul, 2014
in England you can have trellis as high as you like with climbers but nothing else but as spritz sais check out your local regulations . anything else that isn't living can only be about 78" tall here .
4 Jul, 2014
Hi Nat - you would need to contact your local council about restrictions.
Here in the UK we have national legislation regarding nuisance high hedges which was brought in to help in neighbour disputes about evergreen hedges, particularly leylandii.
I am constantly asking why people feel the need to have boundaries that are higher than 6ft - personally, I see no need at all for domestic fences/walls to be more than 6ft high, which is more than eye height for the majority of the world's population. As for hedges - well when they get above waist height they become more trouble than they're worth as they take so much effort to maintain.
4 Jul, 2014
well I guess a lot of people like myself though verticly challenged live mid terrace and want to walk down the garden in my underware if I want or some people like to sunbathe but I agree about the hedge . there are much better options .
4 Jul, 2014
What a lucky person you are to be able to enjoy the privacy of a private space Urbanite.
4 Jul, 2014
You go to the beach and your among thousands of people walking around practically naked and nobody cares and nobody stares. Then you come home and the Ohh! Somebody Might Be Looking!!! mentality sets in. Why all this bother with fences and hedges and planters? If you want some sun, go out and get it; if you want to walk around in your underware on your property why not? In that respect, I don't give a damm about my neighbors. Don't be uptight-relax, nothing will happen in the end. If you're worried about them staring or what they will think or say, no problem, they have been staring and thinking and saying long before you decided to go out to get some sun.
4 Jul, 2014
Natnat didn't actually say anything about wanting to sunbathe though. Nothing wrong with enjoying a bit of privacy on your own land dressed or not is there?
4 Jul, 2014
No there is not. The sunbathing was from another question from another member whose idea was to place planters on her deck five feet high and five feet wide with plantings inside that would provide another few feet. One solution would be to walk around ones property inside a portable personal tent. I am not kidding, there are such tents.
4 Jul, 2014
I agree loose I don't give a monkies myself but some people have kids or want to sunbathe topless etc and theres some dodgy people about . I try not to look at myself for fear of scaring the life out of myself lol .
4 Jul, 2014
I have a tiny back yard Scotsgran. It is overlooked by three terraced houses. I make my own privacy by not doing anything in my back yard that I wouldn't be happy being witnessed by my neighbours. But then my neighbours don't seem to be obsessed with looking into my yard.
And I have net curtains at my front window rather than the 9ft+ hedge that just blocked out all the daylight.
4 Jul, 2014
Coming back to the question, it depends to some extent whether you're talking about a small area or the full length of the garden. A large bush would deal with the first and tall trellis with climbers with the second. In the UK we have a restriction on hedges around 8 feet depending on the local authority but none on trellis as others have said. You need to ask your local council.
4 Jul, 2014
There are in the UK, but I'm afraid I have no idea about the regulations in Australia - can you contact your local Authority and ask them? In our case, that would be the District Council.
4 Jul, 2014