By Mum1
United States
I have a large agapanthus which for the first time is being crushed by either a badger or a fox, whatever it is seems to be after snails, do you know which it is and how I can stop it killing my beloved plant.
5 Jul, 2014
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This a bit confusing - it appears you're in the States, but if you actually were, you wouldn't be mentioning badgers and foxes,you'd be talking about gophers and ground squirrels... I'll assume you're in the UK, despite the flag next to your name.
Not much you can do except get rid of the snails, if you think that's what they're really after. It might just be a fox family playing, they crash into lots of plants when they're mucking about - have a look out at night, you're more likely to see a fox than a badger, they're much more careful about being visible.
5 Jul, 2014