By Jenfren
United Kingdom
Can someone enlighten me as to how I add photos to a blog or question ? Thank you oh clever people
7 Jul, 2014
Thanks, have got as far as add photo, gone to gallery on phone but don't know how to add this picture to blog.Whatever I try nothing seems to work. Ludite or what ?
7 Jul, 2014
jen add the photo to your computer and then you will be able to down load to your question
7 Jul, 2014
Thanks both, think I have cracked it now
8 Jul, 2014
To add photos to a question. After typing your question, below the box you typed in are the words 'add a photo'. Click that. You can add up to 3 photos in total.
To add photos to a blog, type what you want up until you want to add a photo, scroll down and choose from the options for blog type. Then click 'include photos'.
You can add 3 at a time, and to add more click 'include photos again.
Photos on a blog will appear as writing in the writing stage, until you preview or publish your blog.
I don't know of any maximum for photos in a blog.
Hope this helps.
7 Jul, 2014