By Goldfinger
United Kingdom
I bought from Gardening Direct in April 100 plus mixed Doubles and Trailing Begonias costing £21.78.
Some were potted on in 3” pots and I also made up 8 hanging baskets to save having handling them twice which they suggested in there leaflet.
I used good quality compost and they have been kept in my greenhouse watered and fed as stated. but despite all the good weather we have had and my efforts to bring them on they are still very tiny and not making a root system, they are just not growing. I have been gardening for over 40 years and never experienced this before,
I cannot see them doing anything at all this year please can anyone explain why this is so, I can forward on a photo if you require.
Thanking you
goldfinger (Tom)
9 Jun, 2010
some of mine are similar I've grown them for years but I wonder if somewhere along the line this years batches have succumbed to the poor growing conditions or been badly stored
9 Jun, 2010
Contact Gardening Direct and let them know.
9 Jun, 2010
i wouldnt have fed them until growth was well underway. there is no 'incentive' for the plant to grow new roots/shoots. I would also reduce the watering to encourage roots to search for water.
9 Jun, 2010
i bought trailing begonias too they have not grown at all they too have not grown a root system
9 Jun, 2010