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Berkshire, United Kingdom

I purchased a Goji Plant last year.The main stem is now over 4 foot high and has several horizontal stems that are also over 4 foot long. Would prefer it to be lower and bushy so should I prune it now or leave until later in the year?



Where these are grown professionally for their berries, the growers restrict the growth to one main stem, and then prune out the centre and keep all side branches at 2 feet to make picking the berries easier (avoiding the thorns). the other option is to wait till the plant is about 8 feet high and then hack it back, which usually means most of the berries will be inside the bush, and difficult to reach. Up to you to choose which one you want to do - apparently, being pruned increases their yield.

9 Jun, 2010


Many thanks for information. No thorns on it so far. Think I will do as you suggest - restrict main stem and cut side branches to 2 feet and keep fingers crossed! Looks very healthy but no sign of any fruit either so far but maybe that is because it is a new plant.
Thanks again for your help.

10 Jun, 2010

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