By Debs1
United Kingdom
Im a real gardening novice, but ive decided to take up as a hobby as my new house has an established garden with some room for improvement. I have 3 peonies which are in flower but are battered with the recent rain. Plse could anyone recommend a suitable plant support/frame
9 Jun, 2010
We don't use support on any of our peonies... If you've had the sort of rain we've had any support would just have ended up with the stems bashed against it sideways. Generally peonies can take most of what nature throws at them.
9 Jun, 2010
We have only one at the moment - she is massively top heavy in bloom.
I've tried supports and canes in much the same way Vincent describes ... the plant either continues to grow requiring adjustment of the twine, or as Moon says - get bashed about.
Ours is pretty exposed ... but for the last couple of years I have used just one piece of twine tied as a ring two-thirds the way up the main foliage and pull in just a little ( as the blooms are getting ready to let rip). The twine in our experience just vanishes from sight.
If the plant continues to grow in height - the twine simply moves with the increase in height. You can also losen the loop a little
The plant continues to hold good form throughout the rest of the Summer.
Also, dead heading is vital.
Welcome to GoY
10 Jun, 2010
Yes I agree Mrv my peonies are very big blooms and do need support. I just stick twigs in the foliage which carnt be seen or pea sticks and tie string around them.
10 Jun, 2010
Some are much worse than others. The old red double P. officinalis is the worst, I think. Shade does not help or exposure. I suppose it is what works for you. They are so lovely they are worth the extra trouble.
15 Jun, 2010
Yes Vincent mine is 4ft high and has over 20 double blooms on it - but I love it so dont mind propping it up!
16 Jun, 2010
Mine reminds me of my Grand aunt's garden that I used to visit when I was a child. Still remember the vivid dark red and huge number of petals in each bloom. Paeonia officinalis and Welsh poppies were the thing in her garden ( and old double Begonias)
18 Jun, 2010
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« When anemones have finished blooming, do you cut back the greenery?
There are circular wire frames you can buy in the garden centre or you can use twigs or short canes with twine in a circle around the plant. You need to put them in before the plant flowers as it is the flowers which pull it down.
9 Jun, 2010