United Kingdom
I planted 7 summer fruiting raspberry canes in late march - now 9 of June and still no sign of growth. I consider the site to be bright but not full sun and i did water them in dryspells and they are mulched with wood chips. Only less than a metre away autumn fruiting canes are growing away happily in slightly brighter more exposed conditions. The bed is slightly raised so no issue on drainage. The plants were from a reputable grower and garden center. Any clues? More water?
9 Jun, 2010
Summer fruiting raspberries grow on new canes. I would not expect any growth from the 'sticks' that you planted in March but for new canes to grow from the ground any time now. These are what will bear the berries next summer.
Autumn raspberries fruit on the canes that are growing now.
10 Jun, 2010
We planted 20 summer fruiting raps. in mid March and, aside from one, they are all growing next years fruiting stems. I would suspect you had duff canes and, at the same tine, would give another few weeks to see what happens.
9 Jun, 2010