By Duv80
United Kingdom
We have inherited a garden with a large amount of Tutsan in one of the borders which I am concerned has recently caused a nasty bout of haemorrhagic gastroenteritis in our dog. What plants would you advise to replace it with as we are keen to remove it? The border is in full sun for the majority of the day and we have heavy clay soil. Thanks
11 Jul, 2014
Thanks Pamg
11 Jul, 2014
Roses do well in heavy clay.
11 Jul, 2014
Absolutely loads! Take a walk around the neighbourhood and see what's doing well in the vicinty.
11 Jul, 2014
Why do you think it was the St Johns wort /Hypericum that caused the problems with the dog? I cant find any reference to it causing problems. Could it have been coincidence or had the dog found rat poison/or dying rat?
Do you have cocoa bark chippings down as that is a problem for dogs?
Hope the pooch is better now.
11 Jul, 2014
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For something very simple how about hardy geraniums? Lots of different heights and pretty shades to choose from
11 Jul, 2014