By Carolann929
United States
i planted onion bulbs & they were doing very will until my dog tramped on them a few time & I caught rabbits in garden around them now the greens are bent & they dont look so good. Will they still be ok? Should I pull them up & maybe replant them? thank u in advance.
10 Jun, 2010
some of the leaves are already broken. will that matter. This is my first time planting bulbs-i got a lil braver this yr-i normally plant seeds for green onions. thank you again :)
10 Jun, 2010
the plant will produce new ones after all in the wild they will get walked on , nibbled etc.
10 Jun, 2010
sweet.thats good news never thought about it with any common sense. LOL thank you
10 Jun, 2010
thats the trouble with all the cossetted plants that we grow, we forget they come from the wild. :o)
11 Jun, 2010
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Often the leaves will refirm them selves. I would leave them alone personally.
10 Jun, 2010