The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Solada

Cheshire, United Kingdom Gb

When is the best time to relocate my Californian Lilac,plus when to prune.



How long have you had the plant, and is it in the ground or in a pot?

16 Jul, 2014


And is it evergreen or deciduous?
Usually for deciduous shrubs you'd move after leaf fall.

Prune as soon after flowering as you can, and never after the middle of August, otherwise the new flush of growth will be crippled during the winter and chances are the whole shrub will die.

17 Jul, 2014


Thanx for replies.
Have had it for a few years and it is huge,spread all over the is evergreen and it has already flowered .
So from what Tea says,will have to prune this month.

17 Jul, 2014


I'm sorry to say that if its been in situ for more than 5 years, and, as you say, its huge, you won't be able to move it, unless you hire a crane and a grab to get it out intact. They're also not long lived shrubs, the average being around 10 years, so if you want one elsewhere, buy another one.

17 Jul, 2014


Thank you for advise,think I will have to get rid of it completely,shame as when it flowers,it is absolutely covered.Happy Gardening!!!

23 Jul, 2014

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