By Fangio
Evening All
Have just found your site. Looks interesting. The good thing is I have actually got through your nice and easy joining process.
The question is that I have quite a lot of blackfly on my runners.Can they be a problem cos the beans them self are coming on very well.
Any advice would be splendiferous.
18 Jul, 2014
I use this method for my veg and other plants it works well but may need to be repeated. On my non veg plants such as roses I add a drop of cooking oil to the mixture as this makes it sticky so therefore lasts a bit longer between sprays
18 Jul, 2014
... And the good plus side of using soap/cooking oil is they are, cheap, they are to hand and no toxic chemicals.
18 Jul, 2014
these little insects are born pregnant and give birth every hour .
19 Jul, 2014
Previous question
« Hi.Is this site still running as the most recent answer was 06/2010. Thanks...
black fly and green fly suck the juice from the plant making it weak . the also multiply very quickly, though runner beans are very sturdy,
mix a little washing up liquid with water and spray them making you spray under the leaves as well. happy bean eating.
18 Jul, 2014