By 18021950
United Kingdom
How can I rid my garden of the smell of Fox spray
11 Jun, 2010
By 18021950
United Kingdom
How can I rid my garden of the smell of Fox spray
Have a look round and see if there is the sign of a den in your garden or nearbye. They are very sneaky about how they den. The dog fox tends to scent mark to warn off other dog foxes. If they are trolling though looking for food they don't scent, as they are so crafty. There really is no way to keep a fox out if determined to get in. Jeyes fluid is quite handy, but that smells in itself. We had foxes denning 4 times in our 40 by 50 foot garden. The denning was always found after the foxy pong started. I can stand the pong but not the den followed by playful cubs wrecking the garden.
14 Jun, 2010