By 18021950
United Kingdom
How can I rid my garden of the smell of Fox spray
11 Jun, 2010
you could always try a weak solution of jeyes fluid
11 Jun, 2010
The tar oil or Jeyes fluid is quite good to discourage the dog fox from scenting. Personally I can quite tolerate the aroma of dog fox. It also is an alert that denning attempts may be made. Increased vigilance, then, in odd corners, where there may be excavations, and blockers put down, plus Jeyes or tar oil......not weak! Our blockers are 2 very heavy concrete planters put near the corner of our gazebo under a thriving camellia. 10 attempts made in one year. From further and further away to try get under the planters!!!!!! No Jeyes or tar oil due to camellia, so nothing to put foxy off. Golden Fox trying to den on his own turf probably. We all know what has happened recently. This is why I am adding my experience on how to try to head off denning on your property.
12 Jun, 2010
Thank you to all
13 Jun, 2010
13 Jun, 2010
You can't really. It clears up fairly quick if the dog fox does not keep marking his territory if mate and cubs are denning nearbye. We had foxes denning in our garden 4 times. Cubs and mum do not smell. Mr Fox will mark his way round to warn other dog foxes off. One good effect (the only one) from our surroundings being Prescotted is the foxes are less common...thank goodness. If you like the smell of tar oil you can disguise it with that!
11 Jun, 2010