By Glenwilmar
United Kingdom
My lawns have become infested with a tiny seedy grass which is almost unseen when newly mowed, but regrows as seedy as ever in a week. I'll add a photo in a week's time when it is ready for mowing again.
24 Jul, 2014
Which is just what we have - they do rot down into a nice mulch eventually. If you try to use it too soon you get a nice mess instead.
25 Jul, 2014
I have been trying without success so far to send a photo of my seedy grass, but I'll keep trying!
27 Jul, 2014
Thanks Snoopdog. There is no long grass nearby, but I confess to sometimes not using a grass box so this has probably spread the seedy grass. If only I could find a weedkiller which would not harm the good grasses.
25 Jul, 2014