By Sheilar
Sunderland Tyne and Wear,
United Kingdom
Is this site just for garden plants or does it include house plants too? just wondered!
11 Jun, 2010
if it is a plant it can be on here :o)
11 Jun, 2010
Any plant ... any type, anywhere, anything!
12 Jun, 2010
12 Jun, 2010
brilliant Tug! ---- and I like it Bernieh :0) just up and finally a sunny morning again its been a miserable week weatherwise altough all my new trees loved it!
12 Jun, 2010
Fungi appear too, even though they are not plants :-)
12 Jun, 2010
A lot of house plants can be placed in the garden for a while in the summer. They will like you for it. Not orchids, as snails will munch, and leave white scars. So a lot of the time there is really no difference
12 Jun, 2010
Sheilar in your introduction of yourself you say you got rid of BINDWEED . Please tell me how. This year I seem to have it in an island bed and do not want it to spread. Welcome to GOY
12 Jun, 2010
Scotsgran - it took me months but I just diligently kept pulling it out and eventually it gave up!
12 Jun, 2010
Thank you
12 Jun, 2010
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Yes there are house plants to.Scroll down to the alphabet at the bottom of the page and click on H.
11 Jun, 2010