By 3941mercedes
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi there people!!!
isn't this time of year very exciting - tasted our first 4 baby carrots on thrusday - abosloutely wonderful!!1
I am growing courgettes too - the yellow flowers are present and there looks kike a young cougette is growing underneath -
1)how do i know when it is ready to pick and use
2) how do i take them from the plant - which part do i pick as there is a stem then the cougette then the flower?
As you can see my gardening terminolgy is pretty basic
Many thanks for your help past and present
12 Jun, 2010
sorry i missed the last bit, the courgette is attached to the flower, the ones with only a stem are the male flowers which are not used
12 Jun, 2010
sorry to be a pain does the courgette come with the flower growing on top - i have steam courgette and the flower is that useable.
13 Jun, 2010
pick them small, the more often you pick the more you should get ( in posh restaurants they sometimes serve them fingersize with flower attached)-- I usuall try to pick when they look as if a ring would be about the size of a 2p piece but if you want to stuff them than leave longer-- its really up to you-- if you go on holiday you could have baby marrows when you come back!
as to removing them I use a small sharp ves knife but take care not to damage any part of the parent plant and be aware some varieties can be a bit prickly
12 Jun, 2010